Venue -- J.N. Tata Auditorium, IISc, Bangalore.
Date -- 28 November 2013, Friday.
Age limit -- Classes 8 to 10.
Round 1 -- Blastoff
Round 2 -- Spectrum
Round 3 -- Orbital Velocity
Round 4 -- Salvo - The Rapid Fire
Date -- 28 November 2013, Friday.
Age limit -- Classes 8 to 10.
Round 1 -- Blastoff
Round 2 -- Spectrum
Round 3 -- Orbital Velocity
Round 4 -- Salvo - The Rapid Fire
Round 1
1) X received a posthumous fellowship from the Royal Society of London in 2002 for his contributions to forensic science. However, what was strange about this was that X did not exist at all. Who is X?
A. Sherlock Holmes. :-)
2) placeholder
3) This company has the same name as the verb used to describe it. The word, in turn, gets its name from the Greek word meaning "drying". What is the word?
A. Xerox.
4) This object is the subject of much curiosity. It was created in 1879 and was stored in a sealed container till 1955, when it was taken out and placed in a pressured jar by Thomas Harvey for 20 years. It was finally studied in 1975. What are we talking about?
A. Albert Einstein's brain.
5) Which acid gets its name from the Latin word for "ant"?
A. Formic acid.
6) Between the year 1968, when it was invented, and 1975, it reached hardly 50 people. It is now manufactured by a company known as BMVSS. It is especially popular in war-hit areas such as Afghanistan and Syria. What is this?
A. The Jaipur leg.
Aud: Who invented the machine gun?
A. Richard Gatling.
Round 2
1) Connect the word "temperature" to these three scientists.
A. (Daniel Gabriel) Fahrenheit, (Anders) Celsius, (William Thomson, Lord) Kelvin.
2) Name the dog and what it is special for.
A. The Basenji dog doesn't bark.
3) What is its significance in computer terminology?
A. It is a virus which pretends to be a desirable program in order to gain entry into our computer.
4) Which organisation uses this video as an advertisement?
A. +Greenpeace International
5) What is this documentary about?
6) What is this device which was patented in 1880?
A. Light bulb.
Aud: Who is this person who is connected with this year's Nobel Prize in Physics?
A. Peter Higgs.
Round 3
1) Swami Vivekananda and J.N. Tata met on a ship in 1893. While discussing the future of India, Vivekananda advised Jamsetji to build a university for the advancement of science. Which university was thus established?
A. IISc.
2) In the 19th century, this field was popularly known as "Mr Tylor's science" because it was largely dominated by Edward Tylor. Which branch of science are we talking about?
A. Anthropology.
3) What is the one-word term for a substance which is used to destroy pests, pathogens, and weeds, and is organic in nature? Examples of this include canola oil and baking soda.
A. Biopesticide.
4) Anousheh Ansari became the first to achieve something on 18 September 2005. What?
A. She was the first woman space tourist.
5) In the preface to his book A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawking notes that for each equation the book contained, its readership would be halved. Therefore, it contains only a single equation. Which?
A. E=mc2
6) Seymour Cray, an American electrical engineer, founded the Cray Research company. What was it formed to research?
A. Supercomputers.
Aud: Which organisation uses this logo?
Round 4 -- Rapid Fire
1) How many people have set foot on the moon till now?
A. 12.
(9 placeholder questions)
Have a nice day!
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