Tuesday 29 October 2013

Aqua Regia '13 — Kozhikode City Finals (Prelims)

Place — Chinmayanjali Auditorium
Date — 28 October, 2013 (Monday)
Age limit — Classes 8 to 10.


1. Identify this person who is connected with the Higgs boson.

A. Peter Higgs.

2. What law or principle causes iron boats to float, but iron rods to sink?
A. Archimedes' Principle/ Buoyancy.

3. Which country is known as the Land of the Flying Fish?
A. Barbados.

4. Fill in the blank.

Hint: It is connected to Syria.
A. Chemical (referring to Syria's recent use of chemical weapons in the civil war currently being waged).

5. What is the full form of Agmark?

A. Agricultural Marketing.

6. This was one of the first advertisements for a medicine which was actually effective. Name this antibiotic.

A. Penicillin.

7. Which organisation publishes the Red List of Endangered Animals every year?
Hint: 4 letters.

8. In the film ഈച്ച (Fly), what is the name of the camera used to shoot scenes from the fly's point of view?
Hint: It is the name of a Mahindra & Mahindra car.
A. Scorpio.

9. This is a DDR-RAM. What does DDR stand for?

A. Double Data Rate.

10. What kind of energy is gained when you climb a staircase?
A. Potential energy.

11. Which blood group is known as the "universal receiver"?
A. AB+ve.

12. Who is the founder and chairman of the Virgin Group of Companies, who authored an autobiography titled Losing My Virginity?

(This was originally a video question, but I couldn't get the video.)

A. +Richard Branson.

13. What sex is the X chromosome connected with — male or female?
A. Female.

14. What was this person famous for discovering in 1628?

A. (William Harvey) Blood circulation.

15. Which is the largest species of monkey in the world?

A. Baboon.

16. <A video clip was shown from the James Bond movie Skyfall, showing the Queen and Bond flying over London in a helicopter.> What is the name of the tourist attraction shown in this video which is known for being one of the largest of its kind, apart from being one of the most highly-paid tourist attractions in London?
Hint: It consists of two words: the first has been repeated several times in this question.
A. London Eye.

17. What is this instrument used to measure?

A. Blood glucose.

18. Which is the most abundant metal in the earth?
A. Aluminium.

19. Which pigment causes urine to be yellow in colour?
A. Urochrome or urobilin.

20. What is the name for this scientific phenomenon?

A. Recoil.

P. S. — I was unable to get the questions for the Finals, because I couldn't write any from the stage. If I get them, I will post them here.

Have a nice day!


  1. ausum,i think you know everything that is happening

  2. I'm not really sure. What I do know, however, was that we got 14 (or 13) out of 20, so the cut-off must have been less than that or the same.
